Announcing 30 Days of Gifts & Gratitude!
Dec 31, 2021This time of year, no matter what holidays you celebrate (if you do), can often be filled with stress and overwhelm. As a thank you for being a part of our community, I've compiled 30 Days of Gifts and Gratitude with tips to help you reduce stress and navigate the season with a bit more ease. My hope is that you can come back to this list at any time you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed to help ground you in feelings of gratitude.
For the next 30 days I’ll be sharing tips for this busy season as my thanks to you for being in our community!
Contribute to the conversation by following me on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #drb30daysgiftsandgratitude.
Day 1: Today’s gift: Time Management Tips to make more time with those you love during this bright and busy season! https://buff.ly/3AUJuXQ
Day 2: Today’s gift: Pay it Forward. We Rise By Lifting Up Others. What can you do to pay it forward today? It can be as simple as offering a cheerful hello to someone to brighten their day. We rise by lifting others
Day 3: Today’s gift: Organizing & Prioritizing to keep things merry, reducing stress, overwhelm, and your tasks done joyfully! https://bit.ly/3cGQAFA
Day 4: Today’s Gift: Know someone who’s going through a hard time right now? How about offering them a meal, either by making it or ordering it from one of the many meal delivery services? Here’s just one idea, Lasagna Love. It is a global nonprofit and grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. And there are many other meal delivery services out there. Share some love! https://www.lasagnalove.org/request/
Day 5: Today Gift: Decision Making to help you choose the best for each day! https://bit.ly/3HJXF6o
Day 6: A gift of gratitude TO you! Speak kindly to yourself. You’re a precious child of the universe. You’re loved! https://bit.ly/32rZB3p
Day 7: Today’s Gift: Being generous through local Facebook Buy Nothing Groups is a fun way to bless others with the things you don't need anymore. Your gift could be someone else’s wish!
Day 8: Today’s Gift for Emotional Control: How to soothe yourself for maintaining your joy and peace. https://bit.ly/30Sp7Of
Day 9: Today’s GIft: A Simple Act of Caring Creates a Ripple. How will you care for someone else today? Pay for a coffee or offer a smile? Ripple - To The Good Samaritans In Our Lives: Thank You. // Viddsee.com
Day 10: Today’s Gift: Procrastination? Perfection's Not Required. Enjoy life more with finishing tasks as good enough! https://bit.ly/3FJhCsn
Day 11: Today’s Gift: Conscious Focusing is your brilliant superpower. Use it to bless others. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sUN4S-5GvlM
Day 12: Today’s Gift: Inhibiting Tips to save you money, energy and effort so you can enjoy each moment intentionally. https://bit.ly/3nGVdpa
Day 13: Today’s Gift: Planning & Scheduling Tips to do the things you need & want to do! More and better life happens on a plan! https://bit.ly/3cAUTCe
Day 14: Today’s Gift: Offering your skills to help someone else can lead to great benefits. https://on.today.com/3I4D1OB
Day 15: Today’s Gift: Task Monitoring Tips to help you do what you need to do--Just in time! https://bit.ly/3xeyYKn
Day 16: Today’s Gift: Brighten someone’s day! Have you ever considered what a difficult job delivery workers have? Leave a treat or a thank you note for this season’s delivery drivers!
Day 17: The Gift of Values. Stand up for something every day to keep your values first. You’re worth it! https://bit.ly/30MWJNB
Day 18: Today’s Gift: Be willing to grow everyday to achieve your big goal! You can do it bit by bit, if you stay committed. https://bit.ly/3l2ZbqG
Day 19: Today’s GIft: You’re the meaning maker of your life. Consider life with a new perspective. Celebrate ALL your wins, even when others don’t! The Present - OFFICIAL
Day 20: Today’s Gift: Keeping your word to yourself trains your brain to believe in you and in the person you're becoming! https://bit.ly/3CNqZ8d
Day 21: Today’s Gift: Gently caring for others leads to a brighter future for everyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaWA2GbcnJU
Day 22: Today's Gift for you is personal time for reflection. Refresh yourself by soaking in the comfort of something you love. https://bit.ly/3r2nMzu
Day 23: Today’s Gift: HOPE happens as you help yourself grow!
Never give up on yourself. I never give up on my students. I see the beautiful potential in each and every one. Consider giving yourself the gift of ADDventures In Achievement today! https://www.drbarbaracohen.com/AIA
Day 24: Today’s Gift: G.R.A.C.E. promotes personal growth. I hope you’ll see how change can be the start of a successful new beginning. https://bit.ly/3nHSmML
Day 25: Today’s Gift: No one gets left behind. Love abounds here! Enjoy this heartwarming story: Cross country runner helps competitor finish race
Day 26: Today’s Gift: Let’s banish those limiting beliefs and lean into the possibilities that make up the authentic you! https://bit.ly/3nFpdC0
Day 27: Today’s Gift: Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving. ADDventures In Achievement is a safe place to grow and achieve your dreams. Learn more about the program here:
I believe in you!
Day 28: Today’s Gift: Remember to train and exercise your brilliant brain to allow for all the potential to emerge from within you! https://bit.ly/3r2CZki
Day 29: Today’s Gift: Maintaining Achievements to keep your progress! A gift you keep giving to yourself! https://bit.ly/3FGMKZg
Day 30: Today's Gift: Anticipate 2022 as a bright new year of transformation through developing your EF skills! https://www.drbarbaracohen.com/AIA
Day 31: Thank You! I hope you’ve enjoyed receiving my 30 Days of Gifts & Gratitude! Wishing you the very best for the new year and always!
Dr B