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Ask Dr B about a pre-requisite to developing executive function skills - 050

ask dr. b executive function podcast Oct 13, 2017

It's my 50th episode and I'm celebrating today!!  I have four special things to share with you as we move along in this episode.

There are some interesting stats I read and want to share with you; they’re actually kind of sad.  I read that roughly 20 percent of people needing to change an unhealthy behavior are actually prepared and ready to do so.  To me, that means that the other 80 percent needs to get prepared and ready to change – meaning go through those early stages of change, which are actually very important and deserve to be respected as such.  Puts a different spin on change, doesn’t it?  And that only 15-20 percent of people ever make it to Adoption.  That stat makes me really sad because it tells me that the majority of people don’t have what they need in order to make the changes they do want to make; or at least that’s the meaning I put to this information.

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Prochaska's Transtheoretical Model (TTM)
  • Bandura's Self-Efficacy
  • Six stages of change
  • Processes of change

Developing your Executive Function Skills and shifting your limiting beliefs is the fastest and most effective way to overcome ADHD limitations, find focus, gain confidence, and newfound freedom in your life!

My mission is to put an end to the worldwide needless suffering of adults with ADHD and those with under-developed Executive Function Skills - whether from ADHD, chronic depression or anxiety, trauma, addictions, or chronic illnesses.  And, you don't need a formal diagnosis to know you need help developing these executive function skills in order to greatly reduce your suffering.


Full Episode Transcript This is episode 50 and another Ask Dr B episode.

Hey ADDers! I’m so glad you could join me today because I’m celebrating. I have four special things to share with you as we move along in this episode.

So first, today is my 50th podcast episode. It’s a really big deal for me! Why, other than the obvious milestone? Because if you had asked me earlier this year what my professional plans were, launching a podcast show wasn’t one of them; let alone doing two episodes/week 2-3 weeks after my initial launch. It was a pretty ambitious undertaking for someone so completely new to podcasting, and it still is in many ways. Yet every time I receive an email from you telling me how much you love the show or how something I said rang true for you or that the show is really helping you a lot, it means the world to me to know all of that, and it keeps me fired up to continue to provide you with what I believe is important content. So thanks for letting me know that what I am sharing matters to you, and is making a difference in your life. That’s a WIN for you and for me, which leads me into the first special thing I have to share with you. I have a gift for you. I am gifting you my mini course, The Magical Power of WINS, in the hopes that you will come to a better understanding of the power of WINS through the content in that course. Plus, I’d love to read your comments in the course itself, under each of the videos, as to what you learned and how you will be applying the information. You will find the link in the PDF transcript as well as in the episode description. I hope you will take action and claim your gift of the Magical Power of WINS. It will be available as a free gift until my next Ask Dr B episode releases on Thursday, 10/19/17.

Here’s the link:

In reviewing the download statistics, it’s very clear that you want to hear more about executive function, where to start where there’s so much that needs your attention now, and want relief from the stigma, shame or moral issues that are thrown your way just because you have a differently yet wonderfully configured brain. I have gradually been including more episodes about executive function and executive function skills to serve your needs. I see that more information continues to come out about executive function and those skills and it’s about time. However, when I read what others are saying about executive function, it still doesn’t fully explain (to me) about how to develop the skills; rather many of the articles talk about what tools to use if you have these executive function deficits. And what I find interesting is that without many of the executive function skills, it is very difficult and often times impossible to use the tools that are being suggested. It’s definitely a catch-22 situation.

That leads me into the second special thing I have to share with you. I am seriously considering re-branding the name of my show because I don’t feel like I am talking about you harnessing your ADHD power, rather I am talking about topics that are beyond your ADHD, such as executive function skills, self-sabotaging behaviors, and how change can actually happen for you. So, the new name I am considering for my show is “Beyond Your ADHD with Dr B.” I’d love to know your thoughts on the idea of my re-branding my show and the name I am considering, for the reasons I am considering it. I’ve included a link in this PDF transcript as well as in the episode description for you to make your thoughts known to me. Here’s my email to let me know your thoughts. [email protected]. Thanks in advance!!

In looking at the list of EF skills that are needed to live a productive and successful adult life in today’s world, it occurred to me that there is something that you need to know before you develop the solid foundation of the executive function skills you are missing. And what is that? Well, I feel that it’s a very clear understanding of what the “process of change” is (because it’s definitely a process), how it takes place, and what you have to achieve in each stage of the process of change, so that you can continue to move forward, with a map of sorts, until you have achieved your change and are able to maintain it without effort. You heard me right; maintain it without effort because you’ve “adopted it” – it’s just who you are and what you do at that point without any extra effort. Remember the saying from the last few episodes? “For things to change, YOU have to change?”

I’m going to share a little bit about the stages of change, according to Dr. Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model. He’s a Professor of Psychology and developer of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change beginning in 1977. His model is based on principles developed from over 30 years of scientific research and studies, as well as powerful principles and processes of change from leading theories of counseling and behavior change. I trust you’ll find the information about this model helpful in identifying where you are in your own process of change. And, of course, there will also be a story, some action steps and a favorite quote of mine, as always.

So let’s get back to the Transtheoretical Model or TTM, as it’s known. First of all, its name implies that it’s an integrative, biopsychosocial model that conceptualizes the form of intentional behavior change. In simpler terms, his model brings together biology, psychology and social issues as they relate to intentional behavior change.

I want you to think of change on a continuum, rather than you change or you don’t. You go through stages in the “process of change” and these stages are not all neat and tidy either; especially with ADHD or executive function deficits. You might be moving forward and then need to circle back around through a previous stage before you can move forward again into the next stage. I’ll give you a brief overview of the 6 stages of the TTM and then go into a little more detail about each of them before we transition to today’s story.

1. The first stage is Precontemplation, where you are definitely “not ready” to change and don’t intend to take any action in the next 6 months.

2. The next stage is Contemplation, where you are “getting ready” to consider changing and intend to take action in the next 6 months

3. The next stage is Preparation, where you are “ready” to take action in the next 30 days

4. The next stage is Action, where you have made obvious and intentional lifestyle changes in the past 6 months

5. The next stage is Maintenance, which is that you have been doing a new behavior for more than 6 months

6. And the last stage is Adoption, which is where you’ve been doing a new behavior for two years or more and it’s a permanent part of your lifestyle

Are you identifying with where you are currently with some of the changes you’ve wanted to make in your life? I hope so. It isn’t as simple as the Nike statement, “Just Do It.”

Today’s episode is all about answering the questions you have about issues or challenges you experience as an adult living with ADHD or Executive Function Deficits, and offering you hope; real hope. How much time do we have? Not much. So let’s get to it.

And now back to change…

I recall talking about whether or not you were ready for change or ready to change in a previous episode. If you want to make changes or have changes in your life, you have to know that you are ready for those changes; ready to make those changes now, if now is when you want the changes. That would mean that you have gone through the Precontemplation and Contemplation stages and you are in the Preparation stage, which means you intend to take action in the immediate future, usually within the next 30 days. What I think is great about this model is that even when you are contemplating you are changing; so nothing is a waste of time in this process of change – it all fits together quite nicely in fact.

This Transtheoretical Model also integrates elements of Bandura’s self-efficacy theory. I’ve talked about self-efficacy in a previous episode as well. Self-efficacy has to do with your belief in your ability to succeed in specific situations or to accomplish a task. Your sense of self-efficacy can play a major role in how you approach your goals, tasks and challenges. Obviously, if you don’t believe that you can achieve your goals, then you can’t. Or, as Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind believes, it achieves.” So you have to believe you can achieve your goal. And, to have that belief, you will probably need to know that you are competent in the skills you need to achieve your goal. Your competence will lead you to have confidence. And that confidence will help move you forward toward the achievement of your goal. Which to me means that you need to learn whatever you need to learn, so you can feel confident that you are competent, and then your self-efficacy will be solid, which will help you when you want to make successful changes.

Looking back over some of the changes I’ve wanted to make in recent years and actually made and sustained, this is pretty much the “process” I went through; I just didn’t think about it in this more formal way at the time.

So, what are you supposed to do when you feel that there is so much that needs your attention right now and you feel overwhelmed with having to decide where to start? What that means to me is that you know you have to “change” a lot of things and don’t know where to start. Well, the reason I am talking about the “process” or “stages of change” today is because I feel you have to understand more about what you actually want to do or need to do before you just jump in and attempt to do it. Make sense? You need some guidelines and perspective on what the process of change is so you will know where you are in the process and not get frustrated with yourself (or less so I hope) because you know that where you are and what’s happening is “normal” for that stage of change. Make sense? I hope so.

So, here’s a little more information about the TTM, change, ADHD and Executive Function Deficits:

· Stage 1 – Precontemplation

o If you’re in this stage, you might wish to change, but have no immediate plans to do so, which is fine. Why? Because you might not feel inclined to put out the effort once again because of all the past failed attempts and thinking to yourself what could you possibly expect to be different this time? In other words, why would this time be any different than all the other times you tried to change in the past and failed?

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is to think at least once a day of all the benefits you can expect from changing whatever behavior you’re trying to stop or start.

o From an ADHD and EFD perspective, why would you even spend a few minutes a day thinking about the benefits of changing when you have mountains of thoughts and experiences about how trying to change just doesn’t seem to workout for you.

o If this was me, to even get me to think about it once a day, I’d need to have some evidence that shows me that this time could be different; something that points out what I was doing all the previous times and how what I would be doing this time is different and will lead to a better outcome for me. Otherwise, I don’t think I would even spend the little bit of time each day thinking about the benefits; what would be the point? How about you?

· Stage 2 – Contemplation

o If you’re in this stage, you might be thinking about taking action, but you aren’t quite ready or you don’t know how to get started. This is a time when you are open to new information but still not ready to take action. You might want to do a bunch of research and it’s possible that you could get stuck just doing the research and not be moving forward to the next stage.

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is to identify and amplify your internal motivators for change; these would be things that are uniquely important to you.

o Again, from an ADHD and EFD perspective, many of you don’t have “internal motivators ” and have relied on “external motivators to get you moving forward. It’s possible you’d want help at this point to identify an internal motivator that would be significant enough to work for you, since this is so important to tipping the scales in the direction of change.

o If this was the Dr B of the past, most of my motivators were external and I would definitely want help identifying an internal motivator I could use for leverage for change.

· Stage 3 – Preparation

o If you’re in this stage, you are getting ready to take action but still not quite there. You are more confident, decisive and committed; you’ve probably developed a plan and may already have taken a few small steps.

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is to troubleshoot your plan and create “if-then” scenarios so you will build your confidence in getting ready for a positive outcome this time.

o Again, from an ADHD and EFD perspective, if you jump in too soon because of your impulsiveness and you aren’t really ready to change, then you could be setting yourself up for failure not success.

o If this was me, I would want to be part of a support group at this point or have a coach or mentor or someone to be accountable with so when I set the date and time that I plan to begin making my change, I am not in it alone.

· Stage 4 – Action

o If you’re in this stage, you are beyond just thinking about changing and have actually begun doing something differently; could even be doing a lot of things differently in this stage. And even if all of what you are doing in this stage is small steps, they are still steps and building momentum towards your goal.

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is to substitute your “old ways” with healthier environments, situations and people. The idea is to stay very present with the new actions you are taking and why you are taking them.

o Again, from an ADHD and EFD perspective, if you don’t have the support you need during this critical time of just beginning to take the action that you’ve been building up to, it’s going to be a real problem. And because consistency is most likely a challenge for you, you need to know what is going to help you stay consistent and what will derail you and take steps in advance to protect your investment up to now.

o If this was me, depending on the change I wanted to make, I would be removing anything from my environment that reminded me of my old ways and have photos all around my space reminding me of why I am making this change. In my case, I have photos of a much younger me in many rooms of my space and they are the first things I see in the morning. This helps me connect with the part of me that needs me to stay consistent and make the changes I committed to make; that part of me is counting on me. And for me, that makes a difference in my consistency.

· Stage 5 – Maintenance

o If you’re in this stage, you have been successful in staying in consistent action with your new behavior(s) for at least six months

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is whatever is going to keep you strong, motivated and focused. That is going to be different for each person. You would be asked to be integrating your change into your social life and your sense of identity; into whom you feel and believe you are now.

o Again, from an ADHD and EFD perspective this can be a dangerous stage because it requires consistency as well as foresight to look ahead to what potholes might derail you and know how to successfully avoid them. This can only happen when you can look ahead (which is an executive function skill). There are many things that could cause you to relapse in this stage and fall back to an earlier stage, and if that happens, you just re-boot and keep moving forward. It’s all part of the “process of change.”

o If I anticipated finding myself in this situation, I would think ahead of how I would want to handle any situation where I could relapse or have a slip. How would I want to speak to myself and treat myself at that very delicate time? I would want to be there for myself with a full heart of loving-kindness and compassion.

· Stage 6 – Adoption

o If you’re in this stage, it means that you have consistently and successfully continued your changed behavior for at least two years and feel good about what you are now doing.

o The “assignment” you might be given in this stage is to assess how you are feeling about this success and what is next for you.

o Again, from an ADHD and EFD perspective you would no longer need to be using skills to look into the future because the future would be now. You would have achieved it and live it as the only reality you know; living in the moment so to speak, like you do about so many other things.

o At this stage, I would be celebrating myself in a meaningful way and feel proud of what I accomplished. I would review my journey of where I started and what it took to get to my change goal. I would use that information to help me with my next change goal, and it would help me feel more confident at the beginning because I have first-hand knowledge of my own success.

I have some interesting stats I want to share with you; they’re actually kind of sad. I read that roughly 20 percent of people needing to change an unhealthy behavior are actually prepared and ready to do so. To me, that means that the other 80 percent needs to get prepared and ready to change – meaning go through those early stages of change, which are actually very important and deserve to be respected as such. Puts a different spin on change, doesn’t it? And that only 15-20 percent of people ever make it to Adoption. That stat makes me really sad because it tells me that the majority of people don’t have what they need in order to make the changes they do want to make; or at least that’s the meaning I put to this information.

Tying this into a previous episode, where I talked about first and second order change, to me, until you get to the “adoption stage” in this model, you won’t have achieved second order or more permanent change. That’s a lot of time spent “preparing for” and “practicing” your changes before they are actual adopted and permanent. And the good news is that if you are consistent and persevere, they will become your new normal way of life. I know that from personal experience.

I’ve invested a lot of time, effort and energy to learn to make the changes I needed to make because I was tired of living a limited life. Perhaps many of you are also tired of living a limited life and are also going to have to invest the time, effort and energy necessary to remove the limitations in your own lives and make the necessary changes. If so, the sooner you do that work, the sooner your life gets easier, happier and more productive. I listen to many adults talk about the “lost time” or “missed opportunities” and I don’t disagree that there is all of that; AND…the longer you wait to make the changes, the more “lost time” and “missed opportunities” you are adding to your history. None of us can turn back the hands of time, however, we can move forward with determination to have the best possible life with the time that we have.

And tying in another previous episode, the one about being a “feeling driven person” I believe you are also going to need access to the kind of feelings I talk about in that episode, to carry you through with your changes. You are going to need to “feel like it” when it comes to making those changes.

One way to feel like it is to use your WINS, hence my gift to you. You can shift your state and feelings by celebrating your WINS; you seriously can! I talk about using the celebration of your WINS to raise your mood and shift your attitude into something more positive and it works. Paying attention to what’s going well instead of what isn’t expands your positive feelings and gives you the lift you need to keep going and generate more WINS. So celebrate them all, big and small, with a full heart of appreciation for all that is right about you and what you are doing.

And please don't short-change yourself by thinking that it’s pointless or stupid to reward yourself for things you’re “supposed to do” like feeding yourself or saying hello to someone or paying for what you get at the store. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Are you really going to make yourself wait until something HUGE happens to celebrate? Does something HUGE happen everyday? Probably not! But the kind of WINS I’m talking about can and often do. And from what I see, they are an absolute necessity to getting yourself out of the emotional ditch of whatever ails you and into a better attitude and way of living. And based on the feedback I get from the students in my ADDventures in Achievement program, this regular practice of celebrating their WINS is changing their lives for the better.

So, what’s it going to be for you today? What are you going to celebrate? Maybe you’ve decided to risk asking the questions you’ve had for years but never asked; that’s certainly a WIN. Perhaps you’ve chosen to cultivate more patience with yourself and others; that’s definitely a WIN. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re tired of pleasing others before yourself and you need to think about your own needs a bit more than you currently do; that’s a wonderful WIN. You get the point; celebrate all of them; big and small. And none of this “half-hearted celebrating”; you’ve got to mean it. Exaggerate your emotions. YES!!!! WOW!! AWESOME!! You want your acknowledgement and celebration to register in your neurology with the power to move you and shift your state. Many of us need a higher level of stimulation or intensity for things to register. So, if that’s you, give that to yourself and exaggerate your celebration so you can actually feel it.

And listen…you’re not broken! You’re not defective or less than. You are YOU! You have gifts and talents that may be different than others but valuable nonetheless. You are a precious “human being” whose value is a given; because I am not talking about you as the “human doing” that most of society views you as. You may be missing some skills, and skills can be learned. You may need to make some changes and you either will or you won’t; it’s up to you. If you’re willing to invest the time, effort and energy, these things will happen. I know this is true because my students are learning skills they’ve been missing most of their life and it’s amazing to share in the transformation of their thinking and behaviors and aha moments.

That leads me into the third special thing I have to share with you. I’ve talked about some of the critically important things you need to learn in order to make changes and live the life you want for yourself. It’s clear to me that there are many different points along this journey where you really need support, encouragement, accountability and whatever answers you need right then and there to keep you going toward your goal(s). I definitely don’t see this as a solo journey, which is why I decided to make some changes to the enrollment process for my innovative program, ADDventures in Achievement. I’ve re-purposed the Waitlist, so that as soon as you get yourself on the Waitlist, I’ll be reaching out to you to find out what your current challenges are and what your goals are, so we can determine if this program is right for you. And if it is, I will offer you the opportunity to enroll in the program right now, at the current pricing, instead of waiting until the public re-launch of this program near the end of this year, which will include a price increase due to the new content about executive function and EF skills that is formally being added to the program. All the current Workshops and Coaching Calls have these EF skills woven into them so current members don’t have to wait to benefit from these life-changing skills.

So, two benefits to enrolling now is that 1) you don’t have to wait to start learning the EF skills you are missing and can start improving the quality of your life, 2) you can freeze your membership costs at the lowest they will be. This program is definitely the place to be if you want help understanding what’s been holding you back and want to learn the skills to break free of your stuckness and start living the life you’ve only wished for. Here’s the link to get yourself on the Waitlist and have me contact you right away!!

· In the words of a current student of mine:

o “Tuesday was World Mental Health Day and October is Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia and ADHD Awareness Month. Couldn’t help but take a moment to reflect back to a year ago at this time, when I first started this journey. Crazy to me to review what I had written in the intro I posted here – never could I have imagined what the following months would bring… Truly grateful for the opportunity to finally learn and understand the reasons behind the challenges I’ve experienced throughout my life. Prior to last year, I never would have thought to attribute these challenges to ADHD/EFD. I feel like I’m finally coming into consciousness and into my own with all that we’ve been learning here.”

· In my own words:

o “It’s a safe space to face yourself and your current challenges and limitations, and tell the truth about what you really want to be doing in your life. That way, I can help you to learn the skills you are missing so you can do whatever it is that makes your heart sing and become the person who can have that life.”

And you’re also not alone in this. There are millions of us adults in this same boat, needing to learn many of these same skills; and I’m in the boat right there with you. My life might look pretty good to some of you who are struggling with the things that I no longer struggle with but that doesn’t mean that I no longer struggle with things because I do. In fact lately, there’s a lot I’ve been struggling with and it’s providing me with tons of lessons and opportunities to practice self-love, self-compassion and self-acceptance because anything less is sheer foolishness. The mold situation is wrapping up this week, and every time some part of the treatment happens, it impacts me a lot; hence this podcast episode being released late. I’m doing the best I can and that has to be good enough because I can’t do any better than I am. I want to and I can’t. Maybe you can relate to my situation with something in your own life that is challenging you right now and that you are doing the best you can under the circumstances, just like I am, and that’s all you can do, just like me.

How your brain, mind and body works is the uniqueness of you. And if how you are put together currently is “dis-ordered” it doesn’t have to stay that way. Your uniqueness doesn’t have to be a limitation; it can be your strength once you understand YOU and what you need to live as your best self. It’s my hope that you’ll continue to get some of what you need here.

Let’s transition to our story about Glen…

· He had an advanced education, a business to run, employees to manage, a family to participate in and a personal life to manage. Other than his advanced education, Glen hadn’t been doing so well. He did well in school because of the structure and very clear expectations of him. However, once he left school and needed to create the structure and guidelines and expectations with his professional and personal life, he was a mess.

· And it wasn’t because of his ADHD symptoms because those were pretty well managed. He was fairly attentive to the details of his life, very rarely had impulsive moments, and his hyperactivity had calmed down considerably since he was a kid.

· However, it was his lack of executive function skills and other missing pieces that were messing with him.

· Some of what he was lacking were a lot of the “facts” that he needed in order to make better decisions in both his business and personal life. He hadn’t learned to pay attention to his feelings and what they meant, so he could take the appropriate actions. He was very aware of his effect on others; so much so that he was actually quite codependent in his own decisions, choices and actions, which left him with worse treatment than he provided to others. He had years of failed attempts and lack of follow through, which led him to view himself with a very negative sense of self.

· He was overwhelmed with everything that didn’t work in his life and had no idea where to start or how to proceed and this was depressing to him. He had reached out for help on several occasions but the help you received didn’t really help him in the ways he needed and so they left him feeling even worse about his situations.

Background Facts:

· When there is so much that needs your attention, it is often very difficult to see how to prioritize everything, and slowly make your way through each thing, one at a time or in themes where possible.

· Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” To me that means that you can’t change the situations of your life with the same mind that created them; you have to change your mind or have another mind available to you to bounce ideas off of and help you see things differently and come up with a different approach to your outstanding problems.

· We are often just too close to our problems and have been looking at them for so long, that we miss what’s right there in front of us but we can’t see – yet others can. When others point things out to us, and we are in the stage where we can be receptive to what they are showing us and are telling us, it all seems so obvious (many times).

· And, there are processes of change as well as the stages of change that need to be understood and implemented to successfully progress and attain the desired behavior change.

If you relate to Glen’s story, here are your action steps:

· Focus on determining which stage of change you are in for starters. Then determine a list of things you know need doing and are feeling overwhelmed about; but don’t try to do anything with them yourself.

· Follow through on getting the kind of support you need for yourself so you can have a person or community to lean into for the answers, encouragement, and accountability that you will most likely need.

· Self-management of all the feelings that are likely to arise as you begin to unwind all that you are facing, a little at a time, and ask for skills to manage the feelings and thoughts that are coming up for you. Again, you are most likely going to want to have consistent support as you make your way through all of this to the outcomes you are seeking.

There’s one more special thing I want to share with you and that’s connected with it being ADHD Awareness Month. I’m excited that this year’s International Conference on ADHD is being co-hosted by ADDA and CHADD, for the first time in history. Instead of having to decide between attending the ADDA or CHADD conference, that decision has been removed. You can attend this one conference and benefit from what both organizations have been providing to the ADHD communities for years. So, if you are in the Atlanta GA area or able to get there, the conference is going to be held from November 9-12, and will bring together some of the top clinicians, educators and resources all in one place for you. Pretty cool! You’ll find the links to get your tickets in the episode description and in the episode post on my website.

Why am I talking about this conference on my show, especially when I haven’t talked about any other events or resources on my show other than what I’ve created for you? I’ll tell you. Early on in my career, I was a frequent speaker and attendee at both CHADD and ADDA conferences for a number of years, as well as the San Fernando Valley Chapter Coordinator for CHADD for well over 15 years, and served on that Professional Advisory Board as well. I gained a lot of insights by presenting, attending and being of service to my local community, and in part, those experiences have helped me to formulate my own ideas and the direction I’ve taken my work in today, with my ADDventures in Achievement program. What I also gained by attending these conferences is the knowledge that I am not alone, which was huge. I know that many of the adults I speak with feel so isolated and alone in their struggles; you won’t feel that way at this conference; that’s for sure. And, one of the greatest things about being a presenter at the ADHD conferences was that I stopped being afraid of presenting, because the level of acceptance is so much greater there than outside of the ADHD community. I could just be me, and share what I knew, and that was the greatest feeling for someone like me who was so very afraid of getting up in front of a lot of people and sharing my knowledge.

· Here’s the link to get your tickets:

· Here’s the email address if you have questions or need help with registration: [email protected]

· Here’s the link to learn more about ADDA:

· Here’s the link to learn more about CHADD:

So, at the very least, check out the links and learn more about this first time in history opportunity, in case it’s something that calls to you, as well as check out the link to claim your free WINS course as well as the link leading to your opportunity to finding out if joining the ADDventures in Achievement program right now is for you. I don’t want you to miss out on anything I’m sharing with you today!!

A Favorite Quote:

Anonymous said, “Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” The question I have for you at this point of our journey together is, “Is it time for you to start releasing the false stories about yourself and so you can become the person you were meant to be in the first place?”

I hope so.

That’s about it for today’s episode about a pre-requisite to developing executive functions skills and the stages you go through to accomplish that. It means a lot to me to know that your life is getting a little bit better every time we get together. I do hope that you will take some positive action because for things to change, you have to change. And that means taking action, like checking out the episode links so you can benefit from all of the resources I share with you in addition to this podcast show, that is, if that’s of interest to you. Remember, there’s a PDF transcription of this episode in the resources. Plus, I’d love to get to know you in the community group I created on Facebook and interact with you there when I go live.

So, if you benefited from today’s episode, take action now and share this show with your friends and family; perhaps rate the show or even write up an honest review of this episode so I know what you think of the content. Whatever you’re willing to take action on today will ripple out into the world and impact the course of your life as well as that of others you may never know about.

And if you don’t want to have to remember to look for new episodes, just subscribe and the newest episode will be in your feed by 1 am Pacific Time on Mondays and Thursdays.

So thanks for listening… Until the next time… Bye for now…


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