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Feeling Uncomfortable? Maybe It’s Time For Growth.

all blogs career self-care Jan 07, 2022

Do you ever feel closed in, like your life just isn’t happening the way you expected?

Maybe you wonder about the missed opportunities in life or whether you can still chart a new course for yourself.

Perhaps now is the perfect time to explore whether your job is the right fit or if it’s time to start learning guitar. Or whatever hobby you always said you would take up if you had the time…    

About 12 years ago, I took on a new, additional challenge. I’d had a successful private practice for over 20 years. Then there was an unexpected slow spot. Fortuitously, I was offered the opportunity to conduct two international research studies; one for adults with major depression and the other for kids and teens with ADHD. Both were “aftermarket” medication studies, looking at the efficacy of commonly prescribed medications for each condition.

It took a big investment of time and resources for me to complete all the training in a short amount of time and to jump through the required administrative hoops; however, I succeeded and was the first researcher to head the studies in a U.S.-based lab. 

I hired and supervised my own lab techs, collaborated with M.D.s for prescriptions, and developed a detailed data tracking program. (Personnel management and working with detailed scientific data were not in my areas of expertise, so it was definitely a growth experience!)

The results of the study were staggering. Of the 200 adults who participated in my segment of the depression study, 80% experienced remission of their clinical depression after 8 weeks. And for the kids and teens with ADHD, they learned to speak up and advocate for themselves with their prescribers, leading to improved treatment and better overall outcomes in their study results. 

For me, the impact was huge:

 I learned I could take on new projects—even large ones—and be successful.

Witnessing people transform their lives from barely being able to get out of bed to being happy and productive made my heart bloom with gratitude. 💕

The results I witnessed firsthand validated my decision to go outside my comfort zone. I did it then, and I did it again when I started my podcast, again when I did my first Facebook live, and yet again when I started the online program, ADDventures In Achievement. 

If I can do it, you can, too

What dreams have you kept inside because you didn’t know how to bring them to life?

What kinds of opportunities are possible for YOU? 💫

Now is the perfect time to see the positive, and to visualize the potential for your own future. 

Right now, even in the midst of many unknowns and new transitions, you can still start on that adventure. Or restart a former hobby. Or reinvent yourself completely.

Sure, it’s a little scary to take on something different, but I always tell my students: “Instead of saying, ‘I can’t,’  ask the question, ‘How can I?’” 

That simple question: “How can I?” completely reframes your perspective!

Maybe you don’t know where to begin to go after your dream or how to escape from the way your life has always been. 

You don’t have to do it all by yourself. I’d love to help you. 

My ADDventures In Achievement Program is specifically designed to equip you with the life-transforming skills you need to go after what you’ve always wanted to achieve.

The unique transformational journey takes place over 7 months within a safe and supportive community of like-minded, passionate people, who cheer one another on to greater things. 

So consider all the wonderful possibilities yet to unfold before you. Could ADDventures In Achievement be YOUR next right step towards positive growth?

Enrollment is happening now. The program starts on January 26, 2021. Click here to find out more information. 

Growth opportunities are all around if you look for them. And when you are successful, you affect others in a positive way.  

In times of uncertainty, one thing is unchanged: the world needs the gifts that only you have.

What will you do today to step outside your comfort zone?